Nothing Like Pulling Out A Gun After Being Surprised At Your Own Surprise Party

When you realize you were an itchy trigger finger away from trading in your birthday presents for a manslaughter charge:

Regardless of if this video was real or fake, I think we should probably put an end to all surprise parties, right? They are a pain in the ass to plan, it sucks for the guests that have a keep a secret from a friend/family member, and the person they are being thrown for may catch a body because he was ready to unload his weapon into what he thought was a burglar in the house instead of the girl in charge of the confetti and making sure they didn’t waste the good surprise on someone else. Yeah the build up and reaction of a good surprise is fun for everybody. But when the trade off is an outside chance of shots being fired followed by a trip to the ER, I think it’s in everybody’s best interest that the guest of honor is told about the party or at least have someone pat them down like it’s a sit down between Mafia families. And if you are the person throwing the surprise party, you have to know if there is even an outside chance that the guest of honor will have a heart attack if he is surprised or if he will pull a pistol if he enters a dark house full of people.

Then again, maybe this guy knew about the surprise the whole time and wanted to surprise the surprisers, which to be honest I wouldn’t hate. Because once your surprise party is over, you are left in debt to throw a surprise party for the person that threw it for you, leading us back to the cycle of awfulness that are surprise parties. So if you are going to take that responsibility on your shoulders, you might as well flip the script and get two surprises for all your upcoming hard work.

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